Thursday 23 November 2017

Nothing New

I suspect I fit into the ideal statistically accurate box.  Married. 2kids.  Small garden.  Trampoline.  Tons of plasticky kids toys.  Husband works a million hours a week.  Lots of friends. Lonely at the witching hour.

I suppose my story is not really anything new.  Having my two little girls changed my life.  The entire process is both humbling and mind-blowingly enriching.  When I toyed with the idea of starting this blog - a project suggested by my brother to get me into writing again - I didn't really feel like I had a voice.  Like I have anything to say that would be profound or new.

But that is the beauty of it all.  Nothing is really new.  Or new for long.  Even those brand new running shoes were probably already tried on by someone else.  The beauty is in the fact that our experiences, though new to us are already familiar.  And universal themes are the things that get us chatting to strangers in queues. 

The WildFlower Diaries is my something to say.  My place to celebrate the small victories.  Because the victories are the things that keep us going.